Your age.
When do you want to retire?
How much do you save every month? Sign up free to use our budget calculator to figure out if you don't know.
Interest rate on Savings
Estimated annual inflation rate

Frequently Asked Questions

A Retirement Savings Calculator helps you estimate how much you need to save for retirement, considering factors like your current age, retirement age, current savings, and monthly contributions.

Input your current savings, estimated retirement age, expected monthly contributions, and other financial details. The calculator will then project your retirement savings based on these inputs.

The amount of savings you need for retirement depends on various factors including your expected lifestyle, inflation, health care costs, and length of retirement. Generally, it's recommended to aim for enough savings to replace 70-80% of your pre-retirement income. Financial planners often suggest using the "25 times rule," which means you should have 25 times your annual expenses saved by retirement.

Yes, you can input an estimated annual inflation rate to see how inflation might affect your retirement savings over time.

It refers to the expected annual return rate on your investments. This rate helps estimate how much your current and future contributions could grow over time.

While the calculator provides a snapshot based on current inputs, it's recommended to revisit and adjust your contributions as your financial situation changes over time.

Disclaimer: This calculator is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as financial advice. We encourage you to consult with a financial advisor for personalized advice before making any major financial decisions.

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